The youths of the Perfect Circle NGO used their time in quarantine and isolation to work on educational programs, involving the use

savršen krug na webu – the web page of the Perfect Circle NGO
The youths of the Perfect Circle NGO used their time in quarantine and isolation to work on educational programs, involving the use
The Perfect Circle NGO has indefinitely, in accordance to the instruction of the Crisis headquarters of the Civil Protection HQ of Croatia,
The Perfect Circle NGO (Savršen Krug) has by itself, started work on constructing an excursion spot for youths in Veliki Gorenec, Bednja.
The clothes distribution action began on October 1st, 2019 and will continue until March 1st, 2020. The NGO Perfect Circle (Savršen Krug)
The NGO Perfect Circle AKA Savršen Krug… Has singlehandedly, and with the help of the NGO partners organized a yearlong education oriented
DJ-ing and music production workshops will be held from 9 am to 3 pm in three groups of two hours each, from
UFBB – Perfect Circle Street Festival 2019 has been held on 4th of May 2019 in the Pogon Jedinstvo venue and the
With the humanitarian action “Obuci 2018”, from the duration of 10.10.2018.-30.01.2019., the organizations Djećja Sreća and Savršen Krug (Perfect Circle) have gathered,
Perfect Circle DJ Crew unstoppable on the world DJ mix charts! The Youth Organization Perfect Circle has, through its informal education programs
This is an article translated from the Croatian web aggregate site The perfect geometrical shape looping around a center point: a